Excess Logic is looking to reward $100,000 to the owner of an Apple-1 computer. A Silicon Valley based surplus equipment liquidation and e-waste recycling company Excess Logic...

New Sign of Just How Bad California’s Drought Is Prompts Shocking Policy Shift from Governor Brown
“California” and “Drought” seem to be synonymous, and yet it seems no politician wants to truly tackle the ominous task of long term water storage – until...

The biggest biotech discovery of the century is about to change medicine forever
On a November evening last year, Jennifer Doudna put on a stylish black evening gown and headed to Hangar One, a building at NASA’s Ames Research Center...

Berkeley Continues to go “Green” in a $100B+ Industry
Going “green” in chemistry has become a lot more lucrative than was anticipated just 18 short months ago. In June of 2013, Biotechnology Calendar Inc. reported that...

Here come the autonomous robot security guards: What could possibly go wrong?
Showing a rather shocking disregard for the long-term safety of human civilization, Microsoft has become one of the first companies to deploy autonomous robot security guards. Dubbed...

Google has built a Matrix-like simulation of California to test its self-driving cars
Google, it has emerged, has built a “Matrix-style” simulation of the entirety of California to test its self-driving cars. While this in itself isn’t massively surprising given...